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Sexual regret in US and Norway: Effects of culture and individual differences in religiosity and mating strategy




Sexual regret was investigated across two disparate cultures: Norway (N = 853), a highly secular and sexually liberal culture, and the United States (N = 466), a more religious and more sexually conservative culture. Sex differences, individual differences in preferred mating strategy, religiosity, and cultural differences in sexual regret were analyzed. Men were significantly less likely to regret having had casual sex than women and were significantly more likely to regret passing up casual sexual opportunities than women. Participants who were more religious regretted having had casual sex more and regretted passing up casual sex less. Sexually unrestricted participants were less likely to regret having had casual sex and were more likely to regret passing up casual sex. Finally, North Americans and Norwegians did not differ significantly in overall amount of sexual regret nor in patterns of sex differences in sexual regret. Discussion focuses the robustness of sex differences across cultures, the importance of explaining individual differences within cultures, and on future directions for cross-cultural research.
机译:在两种不同的文化中对性后悔进行了调查:挪威(N = 853),是一种非常世俗和性自由的文化,而美国(N = 466),是一种更加宗教和性保守的文化。分析了性别差异,偏好的交配策略中的个体差异,宗教信仰以及性后悔中的文化差异。与女性相比,男性后悔发生偶然性行为的可能性要小得多,而放弃偶然性行为机会产生的遗憾则要明显高于女性。较虔诚的参与者感到遗憾的是,发生了更多的随意性行为,而后悔减少了偶然性行为。不受性别限制的参与者不太可能后悔有偶然的性行为,而更有可能后悔放弃偶然的性行为。最后,北美人和挪威人在性后悔的总体数量上和性后悔的性别差异没有显着差异。讨论的重点是跨文化性别差异的稳健性,解释文化内部个体差异的重要性以及跨文化研究的未来方向。



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